COEN6521, Design for Testability

INSTRUCTOR: Zeljko Zilic (

Wednesday, Rm FG-325: 17:45-20:15 a.m.

Mass production of digital systems, that has led to the enormous creation of wealth,  relies critically on high-quality testing tools and techniques.  The more commercially successfull the design is, the more emphasis is placed on the quality of tests. This course teaches the basics of  digital system testing and Design for Testability (DFT).  Issues in modeling of manufacturing faults will be presented, followed by the algorithmic approach of generating tests for combinational and sequential circuits. DFT methodologies and Built-in Self-Test (BIST) presentation will concentrate on practical implementation issues. Executive summary is here, while the technical topic overview (part I) can be found here.

COURSE AIM: On completing this course, students should understand the essential testing algorithms and tools, be able to design for testability in general and be capable of reading critically the recent literature.

M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal,  Essential of Electronics Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-Signal Circuits,  Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
K. Radecka and Z. Zilic,  Verification by Error Modeling: Using Testing Methods in Hardware Verification,  Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, Digital System Testing and Testable Design, IEEE Press, 1995.

Background: Fault Modeling, Algorithmic Background,  Circuit Representation [1 week]
Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG): Stuck-at Faults: algebraic and structural approaches; use of SAT, Bridging Faults, Delay path faults [4 weeks]
Testable Circuit Design: Ad hoc DFT, Observability additions, scan and standards [2 weeks]
Sequential Logic Testing: State-Based and Scan Techniques [2 weeks]
BIST: Techniques and vector generation [2 weeks]
Fault Tolerance: Concepts,  Self-repair[1 week]
Presentations: [2 weeks]

ASSIGNMENTS:    There will be 4 assignments. Lab work and written report required, one assignment will consist of the project preliminary work. The project will focus on testing aspects related to students' research topic. Presentation and written report required.

GRADING SCHEME:  Assignments (10% each): 40%.  Midterm exam: 30%.   Project: 30%